Culture and Climate
At Chute Middle School, we know that building connections and relationships is essential in developing a strong and productive school community. We believe we have a responsibility to not only provide strong academic instruction but teach social emotional skills as well as executive functioning skills. We do so by taking a restorative practices approach that are built on the foundation that Chute Eagles S.O.A.R (Show Kindness, Own It, Always Be Safe, and Respect Diversity). Below are some of the strategies we use to promote our Culture and Climate:
Building Connections and Relationships
All school events
Culture Celebration Days: BSU, LatinX, AEAC
All School Events: Winter Wolves Game, Family Feud, Field Day
PTA Events: Movie Night, Welcome Back Pizza Party
Variety of Clubs, Sports, extra curricular activities
Emphasize getting to know each student personally
Beginning of the year team building activities
Daily check ins
Sharing Circles
Providing Strong Academic Instruction
Professional Learning Communities focused on not just what the students learn but HOW they will learn it.
Emphasis on increasing academic engagement in classrooms.
Focus on learning habits that will help students be successful in middle school, high school and beyond.
PBIS Monthly Focus to promote positive moments of learning
Social Emotional Education
Character Strong SEL Curriculum
Bullying Prevention Lessons
Restorative Circles/Conferences